One of the most-lasting friendships of my life is with this beautiful woman, Mindy. I met Mindy in 1974 in Sea Breeze Park, Coney Island. Her, her friend Diana, and others, did not think that chess players were very macho. They registered their vote by abuse such as putting clay down my back, presenting me and others with "nerd awards", and other abuse through the year 1974 and 1975.
Of course, such animosity led to friendships that have lasted through the 70's, 80's and 90's, and will last through eternity. We've never fought again. Our group has been to countless dinners, parties, vacations, concerts together. We've picked each other up after failed relationships, laughed together sober and not so sober, been through a lot together.
Mindy is a very talented (and attractive) young lady. Her hobbies are photography, music, and the beach.
My favorite Mindy stories are:
In 1980, we went to Rumbottom's to see that great Long Island group Kivetsky. Before playing Wipe-Out, they requested a couple of volunteers to dance in the cage, a la the 1960's. Diana and I weren't paying attention, but, before we knew it, there was Mindy, shaking and baking in the cage, in front of hundreds of fans. She did pretty well up there. However, we have not let Mindy forget this, though SHE tries her best to.
There is a bootleg video from a party, of Mindy and myself performing "Paradise By The Dashboard Light". I have forbidden this video to be shown in public, threatening violence and lawsuits. Mindy regularly blackmails me with the threat of showing this video, extracting free dinners from me at regular intervals. It is worth the price of keeping this video out of the public's hands...